I lusted, I acquired, I loved and, alas, I lost. The Galaxy S3 was quite the phone. Big and slightly curved. The second day I had it fell and the screen cracked but it still worked. Even when a splinter…
I lusted, I acquired, I loved and, alas, I lost. The Galaxy S3 was quite the phone. Big and slightly curved. The second day I had it fell and the screen cracked but it still worked. Even when a splinter…
It seems that a code breach bunch of people ran off with the Adobe Source Code. It is a disaster for the company not just for the IP theft but has sweeping security implications for all users of Adobe software —…
I remember being back in college writing little trojans for windows and linux. Hardware trojans troubled one of my lecturers. He had been paranoid, for a great number of years, about the complexity of computer chips and during one such…
Really funny petition at http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/linus-torvalds-remove-rdrand-from-dev-random-4 Linus’ reply: Where do I start a petition to raise the IQ and kernel knowledge of people? Guys, go read drivers/char/random.c. Then, learn about cryptography. Finally, come back here and admit to the world that…
Well here is the blog once again. This is the second blog at this domain, gl.ib.ly, the first one disappeared for unknown reasons. Now it’s back. The last bog was popular, unbelievably popular, for reasons that escape me. Anyway, here’s…
Today we’re installing snmpd so that we can query our debian server from another remote server that will use snmp in alert scripts and pretty graphing software. Snmpd installation is a little obtuse so here is how to do the…
Found a website and a forensics contest yesterday quite by accident. I was waiting for somebody before going out for the night and I thought this might be a little fun while I waited. Now the contest had closed and…
Git is an awesome tool for managing your code. However, it does take a while to get used to doing things in git. One question I get asked a bit too often is “how do I resolve binary merge conflicts”?…