Fixing binary merge conflicts in git

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Git is an awesome tool for managing your code. However, it does take a while to get used to doing things in git. One question I get asked a bit too often is “how do I resolve binary merge conflicts”? Thankfully this is is pretty easy. I usually run the git mergetool command to allow me to resolve merge conflicts using a graphical interface and then manipulate the resultant files on the command line. 

You can specify which editor to use in your ~/.gitconfig file. Favourites are kdiff3vimdiffxxdiff, and opendiff. If your on Mac OSX then you may be used to FileMerge, in which case you should be using opendiff in your .gitconfig; see below.

tool = opendiff

So, when you are using mergetool option you will something like:

Normal merge conflict for 'lib/yui/assets/skins/sam/editor-sprite.gif':
{local}: created
{remote}: created
Hit return to start merge resolution tool (opendiff):

I just hit return so the editor opens, it will probably warn you the file is binary. In a separate terminal window navigate to the directory where the file is in and do an ls; you’ll see something like what is below:


In this case editor-sprite.gif.REMOTE.41930.gif is the new file and editor-sprite.gif is the original file. To resolve the conflict just copy the REMOTE file over the original file. In my case it would be cp editor-sprite.gif.REMOTE.41930.gif editor-sprite.gif. However, I use the following one liner to resolve these conflicts more generically.

ls *.REMOTE.* | sed “s/\(\(.*\).REMOTE.*\)/cp \1 \2/g” | sh

I have it in shell script in my path so I just run it when I need to resolve these types of conflicts. It just finds files with REMOTE in them and then issues a cp command to copy that file over the original.

Hope this helps!

Outside of git mergetool you can just add the binary files using git add file1 file2 ….


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3 comments on “Fixing binary merge conflicts in git
  1. Michael says:

    Great post, really useful!

    Quick question, how do you handle Xcode project files, such as the project.pbxproj file? It’s a text files bit it’s advised to treat it as binary.

    With a conflict, do you just select the latest or do you merge with FileMerge?


  2. Bill says:

    I don’t understand what happens after you copy REMOTE over the original file. Then what? I still have the four image files in my directory. What do I now do with Git?


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