I lusted, I acquired, I loved and, alas, I lost. The Galaxy S3 was quite the phone. Big and slightly curved. The second day I had it fell and the screen cracked but it still worked. Even when a splinter…
I lusted, I acquired, I loved and, alas, I lost. The Galaxy S3 was quite the phone. Big and slightly curved. The second day I had it fell and the screen cracked but it still worked. Even when a splinter…
Really funny petition at http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/linus-torvalds-remove-rdrand-from-dev-random-4 Linus’ reply: Where do I start a petition to raise the IQ and kernel knowledge of people? Guys, go read drivers/char/random.c. Then, learn about cryptography. Finally, come back here and admit to the world that…
Well here is the blog once again. This is the second blog at this domain, gl.ib.ly, the first one disappeared for unknown reasons. Now it’s back. The last bog was popular, unbelievably popular, for reasons that escape me. Anyway, here’s…
Today we’re installing snmpd so that we can query our debian server from another remote server that will use snmp in alert scripts and pretty graphing software. Snmpd installation is a little obtuse so here is how to do the…
Git is an awesome tool for managing your code. However, it does take a while to get used to doing things in git. One question I get asked a bit too often is “how do I resolve binary merge conflicts”?…
Earlier today I got a massive SCORM object that contained lots of mp3 files. They were all high quality files, so I wanted to cut them down in size for web use. For this purpose I am using ffmpeg which you can…
Earlier we looked at how you can extract a list of all the $CFG variables in your Moodle code. Now that’s not of much use! We need to know where in the code all these variables hide. I feel some spooky awk a…
From time to time things tend to go wrong and systems tend to go crazy. Sometimes these errors are more of nuisance than anything else, an intermittent annoyance you’d prefer not to investigate — trawling through logs is a pain in…